Dealing with cellulite is as easy as 123

What exactly is cellulite and what is the best way to get rid of it?

Cellulite is nothing more than additional fat cells stored in your body. We all have connective tissue that separates fat cells into little compartments. Women have honey-combed shaped compartments and men have a crisscross pattern. The honey-combed shape compartments are the reason some women have dimply thighs, or cottage cheese looking arms. Getting rid of cellulite is simple, but not necessarily easy. The only way cellulite can be reduced is to reduce overall body fat. You cannot spot reduce or rub a cream on it. You cannot starve yourself either.

Dealing with cellulite is as easy as 123

One of the best ways of dealing with cellulite has been a simple combination of diet and exercise. When it comes to cellulite just like it is in other lifestyle diseases, you will discover that you are what you eat. Some of the suggestions regarding your diet that will be beneficial include:

How to Reduce Cellulite on Legs

Cellulite is a substance that gets trapped in the connective tissue found underneath the skin. It is basically little clumps of fat cells that give the skin a lumpy, orange-peel appearance. Although it is not life threatening, its appearance on the legs can cause a person to feel self conscious. To reduce cellulite, you must treat it the same way you would treat regular fat while placing an emphasis on the legs. According to the Mayo Clinic, losing pounds and strengthening muscles in your legs, thighs and buttocks can diminish the appearance of dimpled skin from cellulite.

Step 1.
Cut down on calories. Reducing weight reduces the appearance of cellulite. Cut your calorie intake by 500 per day and you can lose a pound per week. You must burn 3500 calories to lose one pound.

Step 2.
Eat healthier foods. Cut back on the fast foods, deep-fried foods, processed foods and refined carbs, which can produce fat. Following a diet that consists completely of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, fish, beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains will reduce cellulite.